About Us
Our History
Delta Omicron Tau was founded in 1901 as a society of women in which social gatherings and friendships were central. As Delta has grown, we have expanded to incorporate scholarship, community service, and leadership as part of our organizations. Deltas are very active in Greek Life and on the Occidental campus, and strive to maintain the values of our founders over 120 years ago. Our crest’s shield shape symbolizes our ideals of love, loyalty, and understanding. The tiger represents our loyalty to the spirit of Occidental, and the three leafed clover signifies our growth into our three ideals. The seven circles on the crest represent Delta’s Pearls, or key values, of Wisdom, Tolerance, Integrity, Compassion, Peace, Joy, and Love.
We continue to honor these qualities within our members at weekly meetings, recognizing Delta’s founding values as our own. As a local sorority, Delta relies upon current members and alumni to keep our traditions and values intact. As we grow and change, our strong alumni network provides the stability and perspective such that we continue to be a vibrant, active organization today. Delta proudly owns and maintains a beautiful house that is home to 10 members, that provides an essential meeting and gathering place for the chapter. The Delta House is a place for members to live together and to study together, to have social gatherings and to come together as a strong and active chapter.